Healing loss or impairment is increasingly becoming common in most of the people. According to a research, every 3 out of 1 person experience hearing impairment at the age of 65. Although hearing impairment isn’t age related, but most of the people experience it as they age. There are number of causes that can lead to hearing loss such as injury cause by accident or exposure to loud noise. Also, hearing loss can occur from genetic factor as well. Taking appropriate and timely measure help from worsening. Fortunately, Invasive treatments and noninvasive treatments are effective in overcoming hearing loss.
Main types of hearing impairments are conductive, mixed and sensorineural hearing loss. Sensorinural hearing loss occur when hair cell and ear nerve is damaged. It blocks the pathway for the voice that reaches from the ear to brain. Although sensorinural impairment can be treated, but sometimes surgical methods are not recommended. Instead hearing aid is advised by doctors as hearing aid is more effective to support the ear.
Conductive impairment is due to the buildup of fluid or wax. Poor ear hygiene is the common cause of conductive impairment. Conductive impairment can be treated and invasively and by medication as well. In order to prevent conductive impairment from happening, it is recommended to use ear cleaning tools.